Tuesday, December 11, 2012

New House!

We have been waiting with baited breath to find out what would happen with our dream house since we found it about 2 weeks ago.

The house was up for auction on a foreclosure site that Matt works with and when we saw it we freaked out.  Seriously, it's more than we could imagine. 

Because it was up for auction, there were so many things we just didn't know and had no control over.  All we could do was decide what we would bid for it and wait to see how much competition we got at the courthouse. 

Well, long story short, we got it!  And then the upside of this process is that we got keys the same day (last Friday) and started moving stuff in right away!

this is a picture Matt took from the right side of the house showing the front door (and garage, obviously)...

and this is a picture I took from the left side of the yard...
This was my first attempt at a panoramic shot with my new iphone.  It shows the OTHER garage (right??) and the slice of the Puget Sound we see (the view from the backyard is better!)  I was standing in some questionable landscaping- can't wait until Spring to see exactly what we have and what condition it's in!  :) 

This house is particularly amazing because of its location.  Aside from the view, we will be exactly 3 minutes, 53 seconds from Matt's sister's driveway, and she and I are SOOOOO excited!  I may have said this about Angie before, but she's really like my big sister too, and I'm basically planning on being in one of our two kitchens every day for the rest of our lives.  Maybe we will cook our way through a cookbook together and blog about it!  

Audrey will be third in a line of four little girls born from Sept-March in our close circle of friends/family.  Until we bought this house, we were the only family not in Tacoma or UP and I'm SO excited that our pigtail brigade will be close for play dates and sleepovers in the future!

And last but not least, Matt will be only 3 minutes from his new office!  For a man who drives ALL day long to properties and showings, not having a commute to start and end his day is HUGE.

We're hoping to move in (fully) just after Christmas.  I don't know if we're crazy to do that since I'll be 32 weeks tomorrow but when Matt asked me when I'd want to move in, ASAP was my vote.  Because I NEED to nest right now and  I really want to be more or less settled before baby comes. 

We've been making daily trips with the jeep to bring things from the garage: camping gear, books, etc to move gradually and then we'll have a moving company do the furniture last.  Appliances are being delivered next Tuesday and HOPEFULLY by then the city of Tacoma will have our power up and running. 

Other than that and some yard work, the only thing the house needs is some paint!  SUCH a blessing! 

(I promise I'll post better pictures but it has been gray and rainy since Friday which is the winter norm in the PNW)