Thursday, November 1, 2012

26 week bump update

How far along? 26 weeks, 1 day
Baby is the size of: a head of lettuce/english cucumber/eggplant.  What, you say?  Those vegetables vary GREATLY in size and shape?  Yeah, welcome to the wacky, specific world of 21st century baby measurement. 
Total Weight gain:  Won't find out again until the next appt (the dreaded glucose test).  But am thinking about removing this line from the updates. :)
Maternity clothes?  I ventured back into Motherhood Maternity last weekend (had a really bad 1st experience there...I don't recommend going in until at LEAST your 2nd trimester for anything but pants...) Got a pencil skirt and maternity tights for work.  LOVE THEM BOTH!  Had a funny experience with the seam at the front of the tights.  When I pulled them on it was really crooked & off to the side & I kept trying to wrestle it into place (the center of my tummy).  Apparently there are 2 seams to accommodate your belly.  Ohhhhh.  :)
Stretch marks? Not yet!  Although I'm creeping into the 3rd trimester soon.  Pretty sure all bets are off then.  
Sleep: I wake myself up on my back pretty frequently but otherwise sleep has been pretty good!  Little lady likes to move a LOT right as I'm getting serious about falling asleep so that's been a little more challenging. 
Best moment this week: We painted the nursery last weekend with Matt's parents & put the crib together!  It's so pretty in there, even only partially finished, & I can't wait to post pictures on here!  Also the slipcover for the chair we found on craigslist came yesterday and fits perfectly, looks amazing!

Miss Anything?
Movement: So much more movement!  During the day it feels like champagne bubbles popping (which I had expected during earlier movement but didn't really understand), she loves barrel rolls, swimming laps (and doing a somersault to kick off the "side"), and last night we had fun watching my belly twitch and jerk as she played around.  I kept shining my phone on it (the lights were off) & then she would stop moving...I don't think she liked the light!
Food cravings:
Anything making you queasy or sick:  nope
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: thankfully she is still cooking away in there.  No signs that she's making an early arrival. 

Symptoms: round ligament pain in the bottom of my tummy, never the sides.  As obvious in my picture, I'm carrying super low, so that's where the stretching is. 
Belly Button in or out? In still. But it's looking shallower, *almost* like a normal person's belly button. 

Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy!  but easily irritated by strangers.  Things that would have elicited an eye roll pre-pregnancy make me super indignant now.  Also the crying.  Last week I cried 10x in one day.  I had the day off from work and had time to reflect on baby girl (tears), listen to sweet country lyrics (tears), get emotional over tv plotlines (you get the point).  I even burst into tears when Matt prevented me from yawning.  We play this weird game where we poke each other in the mouth or blow air into the other person's mouth when they are trying to yawn.  It's beyond irritating after a minute or so & I think it could be a form of torture.  But yes, tears.  And then I cracked up.  So maybe "moody" is the best, honest answer for this one.  But I am happy, I swear! :)
Looking forward to: Putting more of the nursery together.  I think I finally decided on a dresser/changing table combo (IKEA expedit shelving with feet attached) & will be venturing out to Ikea on veteran's day (my next day off that isn't a Saturday) with a list (did you know you can print one from their website?  How great is that?  It definitely makes me more optimistic about staying within a budget while I'm there.)

Can't wait to post updates soon on the nursery!

1 comment:

  1. I'm on the moody boat, too! but seriously, why are strangers so annoying all of a sudden?

    also, my dad and i used to play a similar game with yawning, but he called it fish-hook. Like he would stick his hooked finger in your cheek and say "fish hook fish hook!"
